Monday 21 May 2018

OUGD502 PPP Evaluation

PPP this year has been far more useful and engaging than last year, this was most likely because I have enjoyed doing the work for PPP, as well as found it personally beneficial towards my own creative practice.
Studio Brief 1, the Creative Report, I found particularly enjoyable, even though it had its ups and downs. At first I struggled with contacting industry professionals because, as I later found out, I had the wrong attitude and approach to it. At first I tried to contact them in a very professional and formal manner, this proved to be the wrong way to do it as the emails/messages did not contain my personality and were boring. Looking back, if I received a similar email, I also would not feel engaged or excited about doing the interview/answering the questions. After a change in approach, and sending emails/messages that were fun, playful and full of energy, I began to receive responses. I found this very exciting and fulfilling, as well as beneficial due to the insight and advice that the designers gave me. My favourite creative report was Greta Madline. This was because I found it very easy to communicate with her, and she gave very interesting and relevant answers that will help me to reflect upon my own practice and improve.
Studio Brief 2, the Life's a pitch presentations, I also found enjoyable. Working in collaboration was very successful as we were able to take our ideas to the next level and provide feedback and critique to each other. I believe we came up with a very strong concept which we were all excited about, which hopefully showed in the presentation. Actually presenting our ideas I did not find difficult, this was due to the fact that I felt confident in our concept and our work, therefore I felt confident showing it. Also, three of us from out group presented, this made it less stressful as we were able to back each other up in case we got lost, and work together to communicate all that we wanted to say. This brief was very open and free creatively, which I believe is what made it so interesting and fun to execute, as well as the concept and presentation be so successful.
Studio Brief 3, the PPP Presentation, I found to be a little bit stressful but also refreshing. It was an almost cathartic conclusion to the year, and gave me the opportunity to really look in depth at myself as person, my practice and what I want to do and achieve. Doing the presentation left me with a clearer idea of who I am as a creative, and about my short term and long term goals. Actually presenting I found quite nerve racking, however, I feel as if it went quite well because I channelled all my nerves into a positive and exciting energy.

Overall, PPP this year has been like a drop of fresh water amongst all the other modules, because it really allowed our creativity to run wild, and gave us more freedom in creating designs and concepts that we loved and enjoyed. I am excited to continue PPP next year as I believe I will continue to work on myself and develop as a creative, which will hopefully lead me into finding a strong creative identity that I can be confident to leave with when I graduate.

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