Friday 11 May 2018

Studio Brief 3 - PPP Presentation

Hello, I'm Migle. Most people know me as Monika, which is my christening name. My birth name is Migle, and for a long time I avoided it because it was such a hassle to get people to pronounce it right and to remember it. However, now I am beginning not to care, and realising that if people cared enough they will take the time to learn it. That's why when I graduate, I will graduate not as Monika, but as Migle.

21 years old. Lithuanian. I grew up both in Lithuania and in London, which gives me the knowledge of the views, opinions, morals and culture of both countries. My family is the most important part of my life, everything I do is to make them proud.

Most of us were probably the crafty and arty kids when we were children, I certainly was, and that has stayed with me even up to now. I love making my own crafty projects, for myself and for my family. Painting Easter eggs, decorating cupcakes, making Christmas tree decorations, origami and photography are just some examples of the creative things I do in my life. These things are what makes up me as a creative, more so than any of the university brief outcomes I had created over the last 2 years.

I learnt that I am becoming a lot more passionate about my nationality, and how my culture can influence my design work. The 'Lit Paint' spray can design which was influenced by Lithuanian graffiti and the Lithuanian countries visual language, is my favourite and most enjoyable project I had done throughout the last 2 years. I have also learnt that I am enjoying creating illustrations, I have used some form of illustration in most of my projects that I had done this year, so this is something I want to look into further and see if illustration can become another one of my strong points. After Effects was also something I tried for the first time this year, and although I found it very difficult and stressful to learn, I'm glad I did, so now next time I go to use of the programme I will be more comfortable with it. 

Level 4: This is my work from level 4, definitely last year we were more constricted about the type of design we can do. All these designs to me feel quite dull and unexciting. The work is more corporate and commercial, which I knew I didn't enjoy doing. Although the outcomes I don't think are unsuccessful or bad, in fact, they are quite good, it's just the matter that I did not enjoy making them and I didn't put my heart into it. As a designer I want to be able to love what I do. 

Level 5: Compared to level 4, this year has been more open and free. We were able to take our own direction with the projects given, and were given more freedom for the types of outcomes we create. I think the feel and atmosphere of this slide compared to the previous one says a lot. This slide has more personality and energy, and contains work that I definitely enjoyed doing more so than last years. I've had more fun with the process of designing, and have slowly vegan creating work that I enjoy, more so than the work that I know will get me better grades. My grades I suspect may not be as good as last years, or may just stay the same. However, although my grades are not getting better like one would assume they should, I personally feel like I am developing and improving, which I believe is more important. Because at the end of the degree, it's not about what garde I get, but about what kind of designer I am and what I can do.

Creative Report - Contacted Greta, Gabija and Gintare. Greta is super inspiring and fun, her advise was to always be yourself and to embrace your creativity. Gabija is a Graphic Designer and Illustrator, she at the time of the presentation had not replied to me yet, however, I find her work very interesting and fascinating how she combines illustration and graphic design. Gabija works at a design studio in Lithuania, her advise was to work hard, and she spoke about how working in a studio and a team allows your creativity and ideas to grow and become even better. 

My current online presence includes a website, Behance, Instagram and LinkedIn. However, my online presence does not reflect at all who I am as a designer or my personality. I need to start posting more actively and show off my personality and design style. My website at the moment is very simple and minimal, it needs to be more exciting and energetic, they way I am as a person. My LinkedIn profile is also quite plain, I do not have much of a biography or information about myself there. I also want to start posting articles on their that showcase my viewpoint on life and my ideas/opinions as a designer. My Behance is also fairly weak, I only have a few projects posted there and I am not too confident or happy with them, therefore I want to delete those and start posting only the work I love and am proud of. My Instagram I believe should be the one I at the moment pay most attention to, because I believe it is one of the best platforms to get put yourself out there and get your work noticed. I want to start posting not only my outcomes, but also the process of my designs, so that my feed could be more interesting and engaging. 

My plans for summer, as well as improving my social media and online presence, include: getting my driving licence, experimenting with and hopefully finding my illustration style, doing design challenges such as the 30 day type/logo challenge to have work to fill my portfolio, doing more photography and some internships/work experience. Work experience I already have planned is working at  the Marketing department alongside their in house designer, at the fabric manufacturing company Hainsworth. Although a first thought would be what does a fabric manufatoring company have to do with Graphic Design, but in fact all companies and businesses need graphic designers to maintain their identity. They need brochurs, magazines, labels, logos, adverts etc. Therefore, when the opportunity came around I decided to agree, because any experience at this will be useful for me, even if in the future I do not want to work for a corporate/company. I am also looking at getting an internship with a design studio, so that I can get experience within that side of the industry also, and then be able to compare them to see where I feel I fit in the most.

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