Thursday 3 May 2018

Studio Brief 3 - PPP Presentation Planning

Points to include. Not in a specific order.
1. Who are you? What makes you want to be a 'Creative'?
2. Creative Report. Who are you talking to and WHY? What problems and why you may have had trouble and what you have done to combat this. Are you keeping in touch with the people you contacted?
3. Pitching/Presenting. How do you feel pitching is NOW and is it getting easier?
4. YOU as an IDENTITY. What presences do you have online Web, Social and professional networks?
5. WHO has inspired your practice this past year through contacts, Exhibitions/talks podcasts etc?
6. WHAT MAIN THING can you identify that you feel has informed your current view on Graphic Design/Creativity this year and might inform Level 6 plans?
7. Placements over summer? Are you talking to people and what would stop you?

Things to Include in Presentation:

Who Am I?
- Migle Saveikyte
- Lithuanian
- 21 Years Old
- London/Leeds

Who Am I as a 'Creative'?
- Graphic Design & Illustration.
- Crafty personal projects.
- I've always loved Art and Craft since I was little, like most of us designers. Graphic Design gives a purpose to the work I create, it has a message and meaning, which makes the work at the end of the day feel more fulfilling.

What have I learnt this year?
- I'm way more passionate about my nationality.
- I love NOT living in student housing.
- I've enjoyed illustration. (It's in almost every project I've done).
- Time management is still an issue.
- I attempted After Effects for the first time, although I found it very stressful, I was very proud of myself by the end of it.

Creative Report?
- I've been trying to contact Lithuanian designers, unsuccessfully.
- It may be my limited knowledge of Lithuanian, I'm unable to fully express myself through email/message, but I'm too scared to call.
- Searching for people to contact I've found that the Lithuanian design industry is much larger than I initially thought. Lots of talented people.
- Have found it really enjoyable, but no one has replied yet.
- May just contact Leeds designers instead, which as they are more local, could later lead to internships/ job opportunities.

- I'm a confident person face to face, in casual conversation.
- However, when I'm presenting, I'm shaking. May not be able to tell, but I'm always very nervous.
- Nonetheless, I'm fairly good at presenting. Especially when I have practiced what I will say.

How has my views changed?
- Last year I thought I will be more of a commercial designer, however, I have discovered that the typical advertisement, editorial and promotion design I am not good at.
- I enjoy way more doing more unconventional and creative projects. More illustration & analogue crafty projects.
- My crafty projects could be applied to my practice, become a unique selling point of me as a designer.

Plans over summer?
- Internships.
- Part time work.
- Self-initiated illustration projects - utilise my new Wacom.
- Graphic Design challenges. eg. 30 day type challenge, 30 day logo challenge etc.
- Fill my portfolio with work I loved doing.
- Improve my website & social media presence.
- Do more photography.
- Maybe start a personal blog? Where I document my crafty projects and talk about my practice.

Level 6?
- Work more with After Effects/Motion Graphics.
- Focus more on what I enjoy. eg. analogue and illustration projects.
- Do work I would be proud to put in my portfolio.
- Focus on my views, and shape the briefs to fit those.

- I'm asking people I know to connect me with potential opportunities.
Eg. Hainsworth leads to Hobs Repo.
- I will continue to email and message designers, even if they don't reply.
- Social Media presence: LinkedIn, Behance, Instagram (needs improving), Website (needs improving).

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