Thursday 30 March 2017

Module Evaluation

At the start of the year, the PPP module felt as if it was in the background of the rest of the course, I didn't really see it's importance or was very excited for it. However, in the last few weeks, working on the studio briefs showed me that the whole year of PPP has been building me up for them, and has subconsciously allowed me to develop skills in my self-presentation and confidence. Although I found the course to be vague and confusing at times, I now see that it was actually just very free-reign, allowing us to explore and experiment independently who we are as individuals as well as designers. I enjoyed the self-branding brief as I feel it has helped me to start building my identity as a designer, and has set the foundations for my future discovery of who I am as a designer. This module has also provided me with a lot of insight into the industry and has made me excited to know that I will be a part of it some day. It has also given me a lot of content to look into for future research and helped me discover many interesting and intriguing designers and agencies, that I am sure will inspire me and my future work. Overall, this module I feel has been very useful and has helped me develop my confidence and skills as a designer, and will continue to do so for the next two years. I will start the PPP module next year will a lot more interest, confidence and excitement.

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