Thursday 21 February 2019

Creative Convos - Eva Cremers

Internship currently at MVMS (Man vs Machine).
She did International Business after college, but soon realised she was always creative and wanted to do something with it.
She went to the Art Academy Minerva at Groningen.
In her last year, she had to do half a year internship. She choose to do it at SNASK.
She found out that every time they get a new client, they send them a video showing how much they are celebrating/happy with it. So what she decided to do was send them a box full of pink party stuff and a letter saying how she is looking forward to seeing them celebrate her being their new intern. 
It was a very bold move, but payed off as she received an email a few weeks later asking her when she wants to go and join them. 

Her process:
Setting goals
Ask yourself what the hell am I doing

For her graduation project she challenged herself and made the project 'in news we trust'. The end result was a wall full of moving parts, which aimed to catch the attention of the viewer/reader and represented how newspapers and media have to be bold/eye-catching otherwise the audiences won't want to read it. 

'You don't need the confidence, you just need the courage. You can either feel safe and bored or challenged and scared. But you can't be safe and challenged. - Debbie Millman. 

Plan of Attack after Graduation:
- Boost Instagram
- Think of fun projects to do
- Learn new skills
- Hoping for a miracle or to find a envelope with 10,000 cash

Working on her Instagram really helped her grow.
She got a interview with The Design Kids.
Intern Magazine.
Man VS Machine offered her an internship.
New York Times.

Thing's I've learnt so far:
- Throw your work online
- Use the positive side of Instagram
- Pinterest is training
- Don't be afraid of 'big' designers
- Being insecure about your work is normal
- Not only your mom follows you on Instagram.
- It's normal to have no idea what you're doing or what your plans are.

Tips for Instagram:
Hashtags really work!
Comment on other people's work.
Follow the people from the companies/businesses you want to work for.

For Cinema 4D Tutorials: Grey Scale Gorilla on YouTube.


How to make posters more interesting:
- different materials (tape, flags, mirrors)
- size (fill the wall, strengthen the message)
- composition (several posters, different levels)
- order (chaos, busy)

sound poster, makes sound when you touch it. 
gallery guide, dispensed through a paper towel box.
moving image, includes screen in the wall poster.
uses the walls/angles, the work is stretched to fit the walls.
3D, brings the elements to life.

How to make digital more interesting:
- several screens (instead of just one, have few/many)
- composition (screens do not have to be next to each other)
- interactive (something can happen as a result of your work)

neon wall, everything is glowing and makes an image.
set design, many elements composed together.
installation of shapes, built from foam.
moving 'eyes', simple materials and a beautiful result.

Your turn:
- don't think about execution
- team up in groups of 5/6
- search for references
- go crazy
- prepare a 5 min presentation with references and ideas
- don't think about execution, let go of your graduation concept today

Our Group:
Myself (Migle Saveikyte)
Kat Soo
Ali Gray

- a maze/labyrinth
- a movie poster come to life
- an escape room style exhibition
- fun fair/carnival mirror 
- massive typography across floor/walls/ceiling
- a LCD screen wall
- enter each section through a different door
- each section flows from one into another

Different sections:
sense (touch, smell, hear. taste, see)
moving image
obstacle course


The Sections:
Sustainability - all work to do with sustainability.
Print - all print/analogue work.
Digital - all digital/online work.
Motion - all animation/moving image/film work.


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