Friday 22 February 2019

Creative Convos - Bafic

He studied graphic design, but he wouldn't say he practices graphic design now.
However, he feels that graphic design taught him the core of everything he does now. He continues to apply what he learnt at university to his professional work.

'Bafic' is the name he makes his work under. It is his date of birth, in letters. It's interesting because in a way he was 'bafic' since the day he was born, he just had to find it.

creative industries - 'the roles and opportunities that lie ahead are not always easily defined'
What you do is definitely not defined, you can make stuff and put it online, and you will find people you connect with.

What he does: videos + images + other stuff
'Lie depending on what room you're in' - adapt yourself when someone asks you 'what do you do?'.

You have to do your research in-depth. Whoever that business or person is, you need to know them in and out. You need to figure out who they are, and then  show them who they are. And this can only be done through research.

'Your future clients are the people around you' - the industry.
'The Industry' is not a real thing, it is a concept of a group of people/ a community.

'The designer's general visual awareness is unquestionably helpful - this plus the kind of understanding the have about the particular problem they are dealing with from a content point of view. But the qualities that makes a graphic designer a good filmmaker really haven't got to go with the specific aesthetic of design. They have more to do with their sense of story, their inventiveness and their visual/aural sensitivity.' - Saul Bass

Book - 'Tipping Point' by Malcolm Gladwell

Panes - Choice Errors (Bafic)
His first project after university. He explored in a very abstract way the difference/balance between human choice and computer error.

Nike Roundell x TFL
Wanted to combine the aesthetic of garage/grime and the culture of London with the underground and what it means to the audience of Nike.

Straight Like That Reference
A research reference video he did spontaneously and filmed on the spot in the car as he was with his client. This then lead to inspire the final music video. It was a rough draft/sketch.

Ask Around Video
The clients changed the song which they wanted a video for in the last minute, so he just did the same concept for the different song. This will happen sometimes, things will change and clients will make unexpected decisions. The concept was driving around in the car and listening to the song.

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