Thursday 9 November 2017

Presenting - 'Making a Show of Yourself'

Preparation is key. If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.

Plan out a 'story' you wish to tell and break it down to slides, merely as headers so you know you have covered each area you want to show.
Include images you know will enhance and reinforce the points you will be covering.

As humans, we have the usual 'fight or flight' reaction to facing a crowd of others. The easiest way to relax is to prepare and rehearse so you are fully conversant with what you are about to talk about.

Keep it simple and speak clearly! Try not to read from notes, use the images to remind you.

Keep eye contact and don't forget to pause, this relaxes both you and the audience.

Presentation Checklist:
- Preparation
- Research
- Collection of text
- Collection of images
- Presentation software
- Rough draft of presentation
- Check timing
- Check quality
- Review
- Edit 1
- Make changes
- Edit 2
- Re check timing/quality
- Rehearse
- Final file preparation

Once you have your files in place:
- Check you files on more than one computer
- Save onto a memory stick or two
- Test on the projector you will use
- Save as secondary programme. eg. PDF
- Re check the timing

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