Wednesday 25 April 2018

Studio Brief 1 - Intervew with Greta Madline

1. How and why did you decide to study Graphic Design?
Well, I played in a band back in Lithuania and they needed someone to make their posters. I was in an art school and I thought - why not. I really enjoyed it and then I realised that someone actually does this as a job. And that was that.

2. How was your uni experience? And do you think it helped you to get to where you are today?
Def YES! I mean maybe not in a way that was expected but still it has thought me very important skills. I don’t think I was seen as “a successful student”, I never got great grades, in a way I think I was a really bad academic but I really did enjoy it. I know that maybe it was hard for some tutors to grade me or even understand me. I really don’t blame them. Some (John Watters & Matt Burton) really enjoyed my craziness and to them I am forever grateful. I’ve learned to fight for my ideas and I really needed that attitude out there in the ‘real world’. So to answer your question, there were good times and bad, but I would definitely do it over again.

3. This one you probably get a lot and I vaguely know it began at uni, but what is the story behind 'GOLD'? :D
Hahahaha, well, actually. It’s a strange one. Second year of uni. I had this idea in my head to spray stuff in gold and make an alphabet out of that stuff. Mike Williams joined in and for a week we asked people to bring shit they didn’t need anymore so I can spray it. Then I just kept spraying stuff in gold. I sprayed outside and got a bit in trouble for destroying some tiles in the smoking area, I sprayed even at home and I think because I just got tired of explaining what I’m trying to do, people started calling me the Golden girl cuz I always had gold spray on my fingers and was always spraying or looking for something to spray in gold. I was just fascinated that gold can transform any stupid object into something that could potentially be art. So I guess that’s the story. After that I just continued spraying, I even had a golden suit and a lot of other golden stuff. It just naturally turned into my personal brand. I think I now am more delicate with it than before and I’m still fascinated by gold, the stories, the actual objects, the stiles. For me gold is more than just a colour. There are so many great stories of the gold fever and the golden age of advertising. I also love the thin line between golden kitsch and golden art. I can actually keep talking about this for ages as well. So I’ll just stop now.

4. What gets you up in the morning? (Kaskur skaiciau kad anksti keliesi, man tas atrodo neimanoma, kaip tu taip sugebi?! :D)
Well, actually I only get up early when I’m freelancing. I don’t know why. I can’t explain it. Whiles in The Kennedys I would wake up quite late. I guess I was always an early bird. I naturally wake up at 7:00 but when I used to freelance I used to wake at 5:00. I love mornings. I absolutely love them. I love running in the morning. I love coffee in the morning. I love breakfast. It’s just my favourite time of the day. The earlier the better.
5. What is your design process like? Is it always the same or does it change from brief to brief?
In branding I usually have the same process. It’s very well thought trough. Some things are intuitive. But I think my Brian thinks in a pattern now if I get a branding brief. As an Art Director I’m super chaotic. I love it. I love exploring and not knowing where I might end up. So I guess I have two different sides the logical and the creative. I wonder if they will ever mix up.

6. What has been your favourite project so far, and why?
Favourite is always the one Im working on. But I love passion projects the most. Right now I’m working on The SideCast podcast. A podcast about passion projects! So even my side project is about passions. I think it’s because I love passionate people. I’m also working with a clothing line called F***IT. We recently got an embroydery machene! So I’m super excited to experiment with that!

7. What would you say are your biggest inspirations and influences?
Our Machine, Snask, Achos, Michel Gondry, David Lynch, Danny Sangra, James Victore, Coco Olakunle, Jesica Walsh… In general I think I get inspired by random stuff. Life experiances, paper wrapers, books, words, conversations, galleries…

8. What is it like working within this industry in Lithuania, is it much different from the UK or other countries?
I think each country is different and the same. Clients mostly act the same but the bugets are different. I’ve worked in London, Vilnius, Klaipeda and Amsterdam so far and enjoyed each place differently.

9. Why did you make your surname more 'English'? Would you say that helps you to communicate with clients?
I think I would go back and change it to a more Lithuanian version. I will probably change it at some point to Medele. It has nothing to do with Lithuanian surname, people pronounce it well everywhere. I just don’t like the Lithuanian way of having a sistem where girls are publicly announced if they are married or not and men don’t have that in Lithuania. So for me it’s more about sexism than about it being Lithuanian. I’m really proud to be a Lithuanian. It’s just a bit hard right now to change it, so I decided that I’ll change it once it’s changed in my passport. Good question tho.

10. Do you think you'll be going back to work in Lithuania anytime soon/ever? Why/Why not?
I always want to work in Lithuania. I will def go back at some point. Right now I want to learn more, travel and make friends everywhere around the world. These days you can really chose where and how you want to work. There is no need to be in London or New York or any other major city unless that’s what you truly want. I worked in Lithuania for 2.5 years and I loved it but now I want to travel - so I’ll do that.

11. How was your experience at the Kennedys? What's the most beneficial thing would you say you learnt there?
Oh, wow Kennedys. I definitely will be writing a post in Medium and Linkedin about the whole experience once I’m ready. I feel I need some space until ten to process all of it. It’s an amazing experience. I’ll let you know later…

12. You are now not just a designer but also an 'Art Director', what does that job include? Is it much different?
Yes. It’s different. As as designer you get to be at the ‘making of ideas”, get to dig into the detail of design and nerd out. As an Art Director you get to make the ideas before they happen and dictate the way they will be made later on, making sure everything visually is consistent and is being presented to the client clearly. + it varies what size company you are in, or even if you freelance.

13. What's are your plans now? And where do you see yourself in the future?
Plans. Right now I’m trying to process the Kennedys, understand what it has thought me, I’m at home resting and I will be traveling to Offf Barcelona and then, we will see. I have offers. I’m still deciding.

14. What advice can you give me, something you wish you had known before graduating?
I would probably tell myself to learn motion, understand VR way more cuz it’s amazing, stop obsessing over one person, spend more time trying to know yourself more, be as crazy, be as bold, just create stuff that you like and never compare yourself with anyone else.

14. When are you going to come visit us here in Leeds?;)

I really want to come soon! I’ll try and organise a trip in August (September maybe)

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