Thursday 26 October 2017

Skype Call with Greta Madline

What's with the gold?
"It started with a project at uni, and everyone loved it."

How did you get to work with the Kennedys?
She sent them a box. She advises that you "find creative ways to communicate".

Do you think being at college gave you enough to make your own way after?
"I think college is a really good platform to use all the facilities and do what you wanna do."
"I'm really glad that I experimented so much."
"You need to have your own passions, your own interest, and your own life."

Life after college?
"It was really hard."
"I had no clue where I wan a be."
"I always wanted to do a lot of things but wasn't sure what to do."
"There is no wrong or right way" (to approach the industry).

"You do you."
"You don't have to be one thing."
"Create your job."
"Question everyone."
"Be silly."
"Don't be an ass."
"Just relax a bit."
"Whatever you do, make sure it's golden."
"In any project look for personality."


Have a look at:
DesignWeek Magazine/Website
Michael Wolff

- an exchange of information as a 'question and answer'
- finding out what informs their life, practice, and creativity

Arranging the interview
- they will need contacting in advance
- give an indication on how long an interview will take
- give them a reason/purpose to do the the interview
- ensure you have your questions ready beforehand
- plan how and where this interview will take place
- ask if you can record the interview

Interview Probes
- ask for an example
- ask for clarification
- ask for more details

Thursday 19 October 2017

Networking/Making Friends

Have a look at:
James Victorie
George Lois

"Friendship is both at the moment when one person says to another, What! You too? I thought I was the only one" - C.S Lewis

Methods of communication:

It is about meeting people and 'sharing', anything at all from love of work, music, movies, lifestyles etc. this will indicate that you are on a similar wavelength and potentially someone to work with if the opportunity arises. Once you make these connections, they too have a wealth of friends that they could potentially connect you too.

Thursday 12 October 2017


'Professional': engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation.
'Professional Creatives': being creative for money.

In the early days creative industries were simple know as 'Commercial art'.
Perceptions take time to grow, at first we are seen as 'arty' but with time we gain a reputation as 'problem solvers'.

Any work you do is open to:
Personal taste
Colour preferences
Committee thinking
Cultural and ethnic acceptance
Personality clashes

What do you want to achieve:
Your work recognised?
You being recognised as a 'creative'?
Seeing your name 'in lights'?
Respected for your approach?

Not being able to get work
Only getting poor quality clients
Clients who don't listen to good advice
Communication problems/breakdowns
Poor and negotiated outcomes
Not getting paid for your work

Write a mission statement or a manifesto.
A 'mission statement' is a short paragraph used by businesses to explain in simple and concise terms its purpose of being. A 'manifesto' is a published verbal declaration of the intentions, motives or views of the issuer. (Things that motivate and inspire your practice)


1. I am Migle. With a dot on the 'e'.
2. Make my 10 year-old self proud.
3. It has to look good but also taste good.
4. Always stay curious, free and true.
5. If even mom get's it, everyone will get it. 

Thursday 5 October 2017

Summer Reflection

My summer has not be as eventful or exciting as others may have, I did not go on any holidays or travelled anywhere new, however I did have a lot of time to reflect and focus on myself and my personal life. Moving home was one of the most refreshing changes I have had in a while, as I moved out from student accommodation, and into a flat with just my partner. Being in a place that feels less temporary, unlike student accommodation, has allowed me to become more comfortable in my surroundings and settle down into a more structured rhythm of life. It has also given me the opportunity of having my own office/studio-like space. This has allowed my creativity and work ethic to increase, as I am now able to immerse myself more into my work, and personalise the space in a way that makes me feel comfortable and motivated.

Over the summer I have also found a part-time job, working in a JD Store. Although this initially was just a means of helping me financially and didn't benefit my graphic design career, I got lucky in the fact that I met someone who has finished a degree in graphic design and is working freelance currently. I was surprised to see him working a full time retail job with a good degree behind him, especially after he showed me his work which I found quite impressive. However, it has opened my eyes more to the reality that each of us face after we graduate, that a good graphic design job or a launch into a successful career is not as easy or imminent as we might expect. He talked to me about how he has tried to find a more permanent job within a studio for quite some time, and how he has been unsuccessful each time due to "lack of experience". This had got me thinking about my own future, and how I do not wish to be in the situation he is after I graduate, where I have the skills to produce great work but no opportunities to enter the industry and use those skills. That is why I have set myself the aim of gaining some industry experience, seeking out internships, doing some freelance, and building up a strong portfolio. If I manage to do these things hopefully after I graduate I will not only have a strong portfolio and CV, but also some useful contacts and relationships with people currently in the industry that could help me, as the expression goes, to put my foot in the door.