Thursday 20 October 2016


1. Identify 5 reasons you chose to study Graphic Design.
- In my foundation I discovered that Graphic Design was something I enjoyed and was good at.
- I liked the freedom to explore different materials and processes.
- I liked the idea of a potential of financial stability. 
- I am very sociable and enjoy talking and working with others.
- I find it fun to create Graphic Design and feel very proud of successfully finished work.

2. Identify 5 things you want to learn on this course.
- How to successfully use digital software.
- What kind of designer I am and what is my style.
- How to grow my clientele. 
- How to create appropriate grid/layout work.
- New and unconventional ways to generate work.

3. Identify 5 skills you see as strengths as of now.
- My confidence
- My analogue craft skills.
- My generation of strong ideas. 
- My enthusiasm
- My social skills.

4. Identify 5 methods you can use to evaluate/document your progress.
- PPP blog.
- Sketchbooks
- Peer and tutor feedback
- Instagram account
- Personal blog.

5. Identify 5 things that really inspire you.
- Fine art & paint.
- Astronomy
- Collage
- Other designers work.
- Peer work.

Task - In groups of 4/5, discuss and list words that you see as describing each other. Consider what you write and be honest. Try to gain as many words from the whole of your group.
This will give you an ‘external' view of how you are potentially perceived  This may inform you of your ‘identity’ and can inform how you can manifest a personal identity.

Words I received:
Loud, Outspoken, Confident, Funny, Silly, Crazy, Friendly, Bubbly, Bossy, Characterful, Unique, One of a Kind, Dancy, Nice, Jokes, Sociable, Hard Working, Bold, Approachable, Enthusiastic, Sophisticated, Student Rep, Londoner, Talkative, Outgoing, Easy to talk to, Happy, Funky, Snazzy, Host, Cool.

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