Thursday 8 March 2018

Studio Brief 2 - How I felt about it?

The 'Life's a pitch' collaborative project I found to be very interesting and exciting. I mostly enjoyed how we were given free reign over the development of our ideas, and that there were no limitations in how we could imagine the new Leeds Arts University building to be like. 
My personal involvement included coming up with ideas, fuelling our groups excitement and visualising the ideas. As far as the final outcome looks, I created some of the interior drawings and Wayfinding mock-ups that allowed us to communicate our ideas.
As a team we worked very well, everyone connected and contributed ideas equally, and we all showed great engagement and excitement with our ideas. We spent more time discussing and finalising our ideas that we did visualising them, which I believe made us more successful, as by the end of it we were all very clear on our concept and were able to individually work on our delegated roles and still bring it together into a cohesive whole. 
I believe our final outcome and presentation was fairly professional and successful. Our presentation had a clear flow of ideas and a storyline which took the viewer through our thinking process, starting with our initial inspiration and ideas, and leading to the developed 'extreme' final outcomes. Three of us from our group presented, Myself, Dan and Finn. Having 3 us present made it less stressful for each of us, and gave us all more confidence, especially since we were all very excited to present our ideas. I believe we presented with good energy and enthusiasm, and through that made it seem professional and engaging for the viewers. 
Overall, I found this project beneficial as not only did it improve my skills of working in a collaboration and learning how to at times compromise, but also made me more confident and comfortable with presenting my ideas. 

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