Thursday 4 January 2018

Studio Brief 1 - Interview with Gabija Platukyte

Gabija Platukyte - Etiquette Studio

"Gabija never stays still: travelling, surrounding herself with different cultures and people whenever there’s a chance. Nature inspires her, that’s where she’s most at peace. Hiking, rock climbing or working – we’ve never seen her back away from a challenge. Seeking perfection in her line of work, Gabija hopes to leave her mark on the design world by creating eco-friendly, instantly recognisable, sustainable branding. She’s found the job she loves."

Interview in orginal Lithuanian (via Behance):

1. Kaip jautiesi dirbdama komadoje/studijoje, ar tai padeda tavo kurybiskumui?
2. Koks projectas iki siol buvo tavo megstamiauses ir kodel?
3. Ka mokinaisi ir ar mania tie mokslai pakankamai paruose tave dizaino industrijei?
4. Kur diaugiause randi/semi ikvepima savo projektams? 
5. Koks butu vienas patarimas kuri butai norejus zinoti pries zengiant i sia industrija, kuri zinai dabar?

1. Puikiai! komanda padeda ir motyvuoja. Visi turime stipriąsias puses, kuo ir galime naudotis, nebijome kritikos ir negailime patarimų, viso to pasekoje turime gerą rezultatą!
2. ar čia klausi apie tuos prie kurių aš dirbau, ar apskritai įmonėje? iš tų, prie kurių aš prisidėjau išskirčiau VICHY vandens projektą, kaip albai platų, išsamų, didelį ir daug pastangų bei žinių reikalavusį projektą, SUPERGARDEN kaip smagų ir spalvotą darbą, ETIQUETTE šokoladus kaip laisvą ir kūrybinį self promo darbą, o RTD kokteilius kaip super balansuojantį darbą. Tačiau yra ir labai daug darbų, kurie neguli behance puslapyje, tačiau yra taipogi įdomūs ir pilni įkvepiančių minčių.
3. Grafinį dizainą, dailės akademijoje, Kaune. Taip pat, dirbau reklamos agentūroje milk, kur labai daug išmokau. manau mokslai ir darbas yra ta gera kombinacija, paruošianti tave ateičiai.
4. Gamtoje. o šiaip visur visur: internete, knygose, aplinkoje, kur kasdieną būni, tik reikia atrasti kampą, kuriuo teisingai pažiūrėti.
5. reikės daug dirbti. :) Tas yra tiesa, ir manau siekiant tobulėti ir norint būti šioje industrijoje tai labai labai svarbu. o kaip pasidaryti, kad darbas nevargintų - čia jau menas - reikia atrasti ar prisijungti prie stiprios ir įkvepiančios komandos bei laaaabai mėgti tai, ką darai, kad net laisvalaikiu būtų įdomu skaityti apie tai knygas.

Interview translated to English:

1. How do you feel working in a team/at a studio, and does it help with your creativity?
 Great! Working in a team helps and motivates. We all have our strengths, which we can utilise, we're not afraid of critique and giving each other advice, all this makes for good results!

2. What has been your favourite project so far and why?
Are you asking about the ones I worked with, or within the studio as a whole? From the ones that I worked with I would single out the VICHY water project, as a project that was very open, detailed, large and requiring lots of effort and knowledge, the SUPERGARDEN project as very fun and colourful, the ETIQUETTE chocolates as a free and creative self promo project, and the RTD cocktails  as a super balancing project. However, there are very many projects which are not on Behance, but are also interesting and full of inspiring thoughts.

3. What did you study and do you think your studies prepared you enough for the design industry?
Graphic Design, Art Academy, Kaunas. Also, I worked at the advertising agency MILK, where I learned a lot. I think studies and work is the best combination to prepare you for the future.

4. Where do you find most of your inspiration for your projects?
Nature. But also everywhere and anywhere: internet, books, surroundings, everyday life, you just need to find the right way to look at things. 

5. What would be one piece of advice you wish you had known before starting out in this industry?
You will need to work a lot. :) This is true, and I think to improve and to be part of this industry this is very important. And how to do it, so that work doesn't drain you - now that is art - you have to find and join a strong and inspiring team, as well as love very much what you do, so that even during your free time you want to read books about it.

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